Mask (II)  |  罩 (II), 2021

porcelain (slip-cast and burn-out), water, black water bath

Site-specific installation (reference water bath size: 380cm X 100cm X 3cm)

Installation view, Object Matter Mind Solo Exhibition, China, 2021

photo credit YU Zhen and Grand Citrus

Mask (II)  |  罩 (II), 2021, was first exhibited in  物、事、心 | Object Matter Mind (solo exhibition, Jun 2021, Shenyang, China).  Children thought the display were paper boats.  Older viewers identified with the state of floating-and-sinking.  There was also anger and questioning of the intent of the work.

At a time and place when dialogue about the pandemic was - and still is - monitored and controlled,  the work was a conduit for things unable to be expressed.

眼、 手 、心 | Touch Sight Mind  were 16 workshops conducted concurrent to the exhibition.  Participants shared stories of objects that were of significance to them. Through experimentation with basic ceramics techniques, exploration in figurative and abstract representations, workshop participants de-construct and re-construct memories through clay. Participants finished the workshop by participating in the installation of  Masks (II), 2021.

Compendium video,  Object Matter Mind Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition

July 2021, Shenyang China

物事心當代陶藝展 - 錄像

Video Production: The Years 錦年影像

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